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Trump Case: New York Prosecutor Known for Aggressive Pursuit of Evidence

Corinne Ramey
Wall Street Journal
May 28, 2021

Adam Kaufmann was quoted in the Wall Street Journal on one of the assistant attorneys general working with Manhattan prosecutors on the probe into the former president.

Lawyers who have worked with, and in opposition to, Mr. Fishman said he has a reputation for being tough but fair. He is meticulous and goes to great lengths to get what he needs to make a case, they said.

While prosecuting a $100 million mortgage-fraud case in 2009, Mr. Fishman’s strong suit was strategically thinking about how best to use cooperating and hostile witnesses, said Adam S. Kaufmann, a former prosecutor who worked with Mr. Fishman in the economic-crimes bureau of the Manhattan district attorney’s office. “He has a really good ability to read people and think about how they are going to come across as witnesses,” Mr. Kaufmann added.

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