September 25, 2012
Kaitlin Ugolikwww.law360.comLaw360
September 13, 2012
Eric L.
September 2012
Page 40AUNO
August 16, 2012
Shareholder lawsuit against Barclays could become template for other legal actions
Mark Leimkuhler and Joseph RubyLaw & Order Section - Page 10Insurance Day
Top Syrian Officials Suspected in Hariri Murder Linked to Fraud
July 19, 2012
The recoupment of illicit funds pilfered from the country through the decades of Mubarak led corruption
Waleed NassarDaily News Egypt
July 12, 2012
Joseph Ruby and Mark LeimkuhlerLaw & Order Section - Page 10Insurance Day
June 21, 2012
Mark LeimkuhlerPage 11Insurance Day
June 7, 2012
Joseph RubyPage 11Insurance Day
May 15, 2012
May 12, 2012
April 26, 2012
Manuel VarelaPage 11Insurance Day
April 12, 2012
Eric Lewis and Mark LeimkuhlerPage 9Insurance Day
March 22, 2012
Mark LeimkuhlerPage 11Insurance Day
March 16, 2012
ABC Digital
March 16, 2012
ABC Digital
February 22, 2012
Paula Schaapwww.thedeal.comThe Deal Pipeline
February 16, 2012
Mark LeimkuhlerPage 11Insurance Day
February 3, 2012
The lawyer behind a $1 billion cross-border suit against Goldman Sachs following the sub-prime mortgage crisis praises the merits of bringing major commercial cases in the United States.
Samantha BowersThe Australian Financial Review
February 2, 2012
Washington lawyer Eric Lewis, who is acting for hedge fund Basis Capital in its $1 billion court action against Goldman Sachs over collateralised debt obligation deals in 2007, is used to playing a long game.
Andrew MainThe Australian
November 21, 2011
Eric LewisThe Opinion PagesNew York Times
November 2, 2011
October 31, 2011
Saudi Firms Continue Multi-Billion Dollar Global Legal Battle
Melanie LovattVol LIV No 44 - Page 3Middle East Economic Survey
October 28, 2011
Bonnie Kavoussiwww.huffingtonpost.comHuffington Post
September 11, 2011
Saudi Arabia’s most high profile legal battle indicates just how dangerous the world’s capital markets remain a decade after Sept. 11, 2001.
www.trendsmagazine.netTrends Magazine
March 13, 2011
Frank Kanewww.thenational.aeThe National
February 13, 2011
Karin Laubwww.washingtonpost.comThe Washington Post
February 11, 2011
Page 8Insurance Day
December 17, 2010
Kurt HirschPage 7Insurance Day
September 28, 2010
One of the US's top fraud investigators is warning that America's policing of money laundering is wide open to abuse.
BusinessBBC News
September 28, 2010
Street SignsCNBC airtime 2:45 PM ET
June 11, 2010
Anthony HughesPage 33The Australian Financial Review
June 10, 2010
Steve Eder and Matthew GoldsteinReuters
June 10, 2010
An Australian hedge fund has launched a billion dollar lawsuit alleging Goldman Sachs knowingly sold it dud investments.
Peter Ryan and staffABC News
June 9, 2010
Goldman Faces $1 Billion Suit
Basis Capital Cites 'False Representations' in Collapsed CDO; Abacus Factor?
Joe Bel Bruno and Joseph ChecklerWall Street Journal
June 9, 2010
Marcus BaramHuffington Post
January 20, 2010
Simmons, Withers and Linklaters Advise on $9.2bn Saudi Fraud Case
Multibillion-pound Saudi fraud case hands roles to raft of UK firms
January 3, 2010
Yes, It Was Torture, and Illegal
Eric L. LewisEditorialNew York Times
December 29, 2009
Eric L. LewisHuffington Post
June 8, 2009
Eric L. LewisHuffington Post
May 21, 2009
Eric L. LewisHuffington Post
May 18, 2009
Katy DowellThe Lawyer
April 3, 2009
Judge Rules Bagram Detainees Can Appeal to U.S. Courts
Daphne EviatarThe Washington Independent
March 23, 2009
Eric LewisThe Big Money from Slate
March 16, 2009
In Torture Cases, Obama Toes Bush Line
Legal Stance Appears to Contradict Earlier Statements From Obama and Holder
Daphne EviatarThe Washington Independent
March 12, 2009
Eric LewisIn These Times
February 27, 2009
Closing Guantánamo
Torture Suits Stymied - Page 192CQ Researcher
February 2009
Tort suits provide inadequate to challenge anti-terror policies
David G. SavageABA Journal
February 1, 2009
Defendiendo al "combatiente enemigo"
Jean Palou EgoaguirreA6El Mercurio
January 11, 2009
Economía - page 22Perfil