In the News Archive
- January 2015ABA Bank Compliance Magazine
- January 6, 2015www.napavalleyregister.comNapa Valley Register
- December 2014"A Cautionary Tale for Non-U.S. Private Equity: Exposure to the Extraterritorial Reach of U.S. Sanctions,” Private Fund Dispute ResolutionPrivate Equity International (PEI)
- December 2014Expansion of U.S. Economic Sanctions Poses New Risks for InsurersInsurance Day
- December 4, 2014Former Manhattan prosecutor examines grand jury’s likely analysis in choosing not to indict in the death of Eric Garnerwww.nydailynews.comNY Daily News
- November 2014
Learning the tell-tale signs of human trafficking transactions empowers AML investigators both to protect their institutions and to provide law enforcement real, actionable intelligence.
Page 8Global Regulatory Outlook - Viewpoint 2015 - October 4, 2014Sunday ReviewNew York Times
- September 15, 2014U.S. Regulators have vowed to hold more individuals responsible for controls failures at financial institutions and the spotlight on two compliance officers has already stirred concerns in the profession about being penalized for decisions made on the job Wall Street Journal. Risk & Compliance Journal.
- September 12, 2014The Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network issued guidance Thursday on recognizing financial activity that could be tied to human smuggling and human trafficking. Wall Street Journal. Risk and Compliance Journal
- August 21, 2014US class action lawsuit alleges high-frequency traders, exchanges, brokers and dark pool operators have committed securities law violationswww.insuranceday.comInsurance Day
- August 14, 2014www.interaksyon.comInterasksyon
- August 14, News
- August 14, 2014Une juge fédérale a ordonné un examen médical indépendant sur un détenu de Guantanamo nourri de force.www.rtl.frRTL with AFP
- August 14, 2014 Akhbar - English
- August 13, 2014Le Parisien
- August 13, 2014Yahoo Finance France
- August 13, News
- August 13, 2014Societe Generale allegedly mis-sold financial products to Northern Rock that were partly to blame for UK bank's Telegragh
- August 12, 2014www.law360.comLaw360
- August 8, 2014www.law360.comLaw360
- July 25, 2014http://bigstory.ap.orgAP
- July 2014Page 12ABA Bank Compliance
- June 30, 2014The New York Times
- June 22, 2014Smerconish on CNN
- June 2014
AUNO Abogados magazine interview with Manuel Varela and Cristián Francos on Lewis Baach’s practice for clients in Argentina and the rest of Latin America.
Page 42AUNO - June 15, 2014Kathimerini
- June 12, 2014Court Overturns Ruling in SEC-Citicorp SettlementPage 5Insurance Day
- April 29, 2014
Ariel Neuman, Natalia Alonso and Alfredo Veronesi, reporters from AUNO Legal Magazine, interviewed Manuel Varela and Cristián Francos regarding the Lewis Baach PLLC Latin American practice and it's Buenos Aires office as well as the careers of Messrs. Varela and Francos.
- February 6, 2014www.litigationdaily.comThe Litigation Daily
- January 30, 2014
- December 2, 2013
- November 21, 2013
- November 4, 2013
- August 28, 2013Efforts to recover assets misappropriated by members of the former Mubarak regime have largely evaporated, writes Waleed Nassar Weekly
- June 4, 2013Page 10La Nacion
- May 9, 2013NYPD Allows Civilian Complaint Board to Prosecute Cops for MisconductNew York Daily News
- April 18, 2013Expansion of US Economic Sanctions May Present Risks for Non-US InsurersPage 6Insurance Day
- March 2013Page 33AUNO
- March 25, 2013Juristas norteamericanos y chilenos analizaron avances en materia de regulación del lavado de
- March 23, 2013
- March 5, 2013Sanctions Settlements Prompt Changes to Transaction Monitoringwww.moneylaundering.comACAMS
- 2013Iranian's check raises 70 million questionsThe arrest of an Iranian official in Germany provided indications that Venezuelan banks may be helping Iran evade economic sanctions.El Nuevo Herald
- February 12, 2013Negotiation with Mubarak regime officials accused of financial misappropriation should be viewed as being a piece of the greater asset-recovery puzzle.weekly.ahram.orgAl-Ahram Weekly
- February 10, 2013EE.UU. investiga a varias entidades de Caracas sospechosas de romper el
- January 30, 2013Two years after the 25 January Revolution, not enough has been done to recover the assets of corrupt figures from the former regimeAl-Ahram Weekly
- January 29, 2013www.moneylaundering.comACAMS
- January 17, 2013
- December Business Monthly, American Chamber of Commerce Egypt
- November 1, 2012Excess Coverage Denied in Latest US Court RulingPage 11Insurance Day
- October 4,