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Latin America

Lewis Baach Kaufmann Middlemiss has a sophisticated, multi-lingual team with a depth of experience in issues relating to government and business throughout Latin America. 

One of the firm’s greatest assets in our Latin American practice is our on-the-ground experience and network of longstanding working relationships and contacts throughout the region.  We are well-positioned to assist clients whether they are involved in an important commercial dispute or simply need guidance on doing business in the region.  Lewis Baach Kaufmann Middlemiss guides its clients to ensure that their entry into and activities in Latin America are as successful and problem-free as possible. Similarly, we assist our Latin American clients in navigating the U.S. legal and regulatory system as businesses worldwide are increasingly affected by the requirements of U.S. law and regulation. Of course, should problems arise, we have experience in litigating and arbitrating cases either in Latin American countries or before international organizations and arbitral bodies. We also have close relationships with leading lawyers throughout Latin America and have worked cooperatively with local lawyers in Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Panama, Uruguay, Ecuador, Bolivia and Brazil.

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